Numerical simulation of the magnetic-pulsed processing of axis cutting tools using ANSYS
The purpose of this study is an analysis of the numerical simulation results of the magnetic-pulsed processing (MPP) of axis cutting tools using ANSYS. Practical recommendations for the choice of optimal MPP modes are developed on the basis of this analysis. The induction current distribution on the surface of a drill placed in an inductor was obtained using the Ansys Electronics Desktop (Maxwell) module. The time realization of the current pulse in the inductor corresponds to the shape of the experimentally measured pulse waveform. The magnetic pulse is generated by the unit MIU-2. According to the calculation, the magnetic field strength reaches the value h0,1 = 1.247 · 107 [A/m] at a depth of 0.1 mm from the drill surface. Two cases of drill positioning in the inductor are considered: full loading of the drill (the drill is installed on the inductor entire length) and half loading of the drill (the cutting edges are situated in the inductor center). The analysis results show that the density of the induction current has the highest value in the grove of the drill at full loading and in the region of cutting during the discharging in the inductor for the MPP cycle and drill cooling during the charging of the capacitor bank for the repeated MPP cycle) using the Ansys Transient Thermal module. The temperature distribution was obtained for the both options for the location of the drill inside the inductor. The result is that for reinforcing the side surface of the cutting tool (cutting band) the full loading option must be used. For reinforcing the cutting edges the half loading option is more efficient.
About the Authors
V. V. MaleronokBelarus
Maleronok Vladimir V. – Lecturer
77, Uborevich Str., 220096, Minsk
D. A. Tsionenko
Tsionenko Dmitry A. – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher
6, P. Brovka Str., 220089, Minsk
A. V. Alifanov
Alifanov Alexander V. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor
21, Voykov Str., 225404, Baranovichi
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