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Primary nature, composition, and evolution of the early precambrian protocore in ancient platforms and endogenous processes of its transformation


The issues of formation of the earth’s crust in the Early Precambrian are considered: the primary composition of a protomatter, the time of its occurrence and evolution, the participation of endogenous and cosmic forces in its transformation in two main periods of formation of the protocrust – pregeological (4.65–4.0 billion years) and geological (4.0–1.65 billion years) consisting of three stages. The rock associations, their mineral and chemical composition, and successive transformation at each stage, as well as the petrological results for rocks during the formation of the earth’s crust are described. The formation of a variety of rock formations from a single igneous protomatter, which manifested itself on the entire planet Earth, is substantiated. The indicator value of potassium-sodium ratios in rock associations is shown to determine the formation of their belonging, the magnitudes of growth of these ratios in the process of evolution are revealed, and their use is proposed to assess a relative age of rock formations.

About the Author

D. A. Dominikovskaya
Institute of Geology of the Research and Production Center for Geology

Dominikovskay Diana A. – Ph. D. (Geology), Associate Professor

7, Kuprevich Str., 220084, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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