
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Boron-enriched pyrolitic carbon: material for biomedical and engineering applications


The article describes a technological set-up and the synthesis methodology of boron-enriched pyrolytic carbon (B-PyC). The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) approach lies in the basis of the methodology. The synthesis occurs on the inner surface of a cylindrical graphite assembly indirectly heated to the temperatures of 1450–1570 °C. Controlled low-density flows of nitrogen, boron trichloride and carbonaceous gases react in the assembly, producing a B-PyC film deposited on the graphite substrate. The set-up has been designed to provide fabrication of B-PyC plates possessing features required for heart valve endoprosthesis: chemical inertia and biocompatibility combined with high hardness, high elasticity, and long operating life. The morphology and chemical composition of the material have been studied by electron scanning microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The material is used at the “Electronmash Plant” for fabrication of heart valve endoprosthesis leaflets.

About the Authors

M. I. Demidenko
Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University

Demidenko Marina I. – Head of the Laboratory

11, Bobruiskaya Str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

D. V. Adamchuk
Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University

Adamchuk Dmitry V. – P h. D. ( Physics a nd M athematics), Senior Researcher

11, Bobruiskaya Str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. P. Rusanov

Rusanov Andrey P. – Head of KTB

2, Partizanski Ave., 220033, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

S. V. Sirotkin

L. V. Ivanko

Ivanko Leonid V. – Acting Director

2, Partizanski Ave., 220033, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

S. A. Maksimenko
Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University

Maksimenko Sergey A. – D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Director

11, Bobruiskaya Str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


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