
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Complex phenotypic evaluation of winter rape breeding forms and lines containing factors of cytoplasmic male sterility


The paper presents the results of studying cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) of winter rape (Brassica napus ibernalis L.). Using histological, morphobiological, and biochemical methods, 12 sterility fixer lines for Ogura-type CMS as well as 2 lines for Ogura CMS and 1 line for Polima CMS with 100 % restoring ability were isolated. The combining ability of more than 20 maternal parental CMS lines was evaluated and more than 500 experimental simple sterile and restored hybrids based on Ogura CMS were obtained. Using in vitro culture, doubled haploids of parental lines of winter rape were obtained, and the peculiarities of embryoidogenesis, morphogenesis and rhizogenesis were established.

About the Authors

Ya. E. Piliuk
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Arable Farming

Piliuk Yadviga E. – D. Sc. (Agrarian), Professor, Head of the Department

1, Timiryazev Str., 222160, Zhodino

E. N. Kulinkovich
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Arable Farming

Kulinkovich Elena N. – Ph. D. (Agrarian), Leading Researche

1, Timiryazev Str., 222160, Zhodino

N. N. Bobko
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Arable Farming

Bobko Natalia N. – Researcher

1, Timiryazev Str., 222160, Zhodino

A. A. Novichek
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences for Arable Farming

Novichek Anna A. – Researcher

1, Timiryazev Str., 222160, Zhodino


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ISSN 1561-8323 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2431 (Online)