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Space and meanings in the artistic and imaginative representation of Belarusian literature


The analysis of the experience of space exploration allows us to note a stable tendency of filling spatial objects and phenomena with meanings and their subsequent perception as signs of human spirituality and culture. As a result of the semantics study of the space images in the works of Belarusian literature, their spiritual and aesthetic essence and symbolic content are revealed. For the first time in Belorussian literary criticism at studying the polyvalent phenomenon of spatiality in literary works, aesthetic vision of the authors, philosophical depth of their reflections, and the desire to understand civilizational and cultural logic of the society development are problematically combined. Such methods of artistic space modeling provide us an opportunity to demonstrate its image resources in the geopoeticization of the people and the country, the embodiment of national axiology, moral and ethical ideals and existential meanings. The identification of ideological and semantic content of spacial images in the works of Ya. Kupala, Ya. Kolas, M. Tank, I. Shamyakin, V. Gnilomedov allows us to reveal the techniques and methods of creative development of the surrounding world by writers, the embodiment of the fundamental principles of the national lifestyle and the reflection of evolutionary processes in society, revealing the spirituality of the Belarusian, the specifics of his thinking and worldview. New approaches to understanding the essence of man through the ontology of space and its figurative and symbolic embodiment in Belarusian classics are demonstrated in the study.

About the Author

Zh. S. Shaladonava
Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Shaladonava Zhanna S. – Ph. D. (Philology), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher.

1/2, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk


1. Kolas Ja. Collected works: in 20 vol. Vol. 7. Minsk, 2009. 501 p. (in Belarusian).

2. Kupala Ja. Complete сollected works: in 9 vol. Minsk, 1995–2003. (in Belarusian).

3. Mikhalevskij D. V. Space and Being. Saint Petersburg, 2017. 477 p. (in Russian).

4. Romantic poet Mikhail Nikolaevich Petrenko (1817–1862): works, critical, historical and literary materials. Kyiv, 2015. 586 p. (in Ukrainian).

5. Tank M. Collected works: in 13 vols. Vol. 1: Poems 1930–1939. Minsk, 2006. 373 p. (in Belarusian).

6. Gnilamjodaw U. V. Ulysses from Pruska. Minsk, 2006. 380 p. (in Belarusian).

7. Mandelshtam O. Complete сollected works and letters: in 3 vols. Vol. 1: Poems. Saint Petersburg, 2017. 711 p. (in Russian).


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ISSN 1561-8323 (Print)
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