
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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The transformation of the intermolecular complex of chromium (III)–polymer into the intramolecular one was revealed to be the main reason for degradation of polyelectrolyte hydrogels based on sulfonated and carboxylated polyacrylamides crosslinked by chromium (III) acetate during thermal aging, while the mineralized water addition caused polymer salts to precipitate. Hydrogel destruction occurred at a relatively high content of carboxylate groups formed due to the hydrolysis of amide or substituted amide groups. NMR 13C and NMR 1H spectroscopy showed that the hydrolysis of the functional groups in polyelectrolyte hydrogel containing a sulfo group proceeded slowly, thus resulting in a higher resistance to thermal aging as compared to that based on carboxylated polyacrylamide.

About the Authors

Belarusian State University, Minsk

Belarusian State University, Minsk


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