The quasi-crystal model of the radial distribution function for hard disks in the plane is suggested. It is shown that the coincidence with the distribution function, obtained by solving Percus–Yevick’s equation, is found by smoothing a square lattice and injecting vacancy-type defects into it. A better approximation is reached when the lattice is a result of a mixture of smoothened square and hexagonal lattices. Impurity of a hexagonal lattice is considerable at short distances. Dependences of lattice constants, smoothing widths and impurity on the filling parameter are found. In conclusion, it is stated that a basis of such a chaotic system apparently as a gas of hard disks in the plane at rather small filling parameters is a square lattice with some impurity of the hexagonal lattice at small distances. It is of importance to carry out investigations in a range of higher concentration and to compare with the modeling by the Monte-Carlo method.
About the Authors
N. L. CherkasBelarus
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Lecturer
S. L. Cherkas
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior researcher
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