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There are the research results, whose purpose is to justify the regime parameters of the vacuum operating circuit of milking units with high pressure stability, providing stress-free lactation. The “stress-free milking mode” is one of the necessary conditions for the physiologically sparing process of cow machine milking, allowing one to increase the productive longevity of animals and their milk productivity and to reduce unit costs in the milk production. As a result of research, a working vacuum circuit with an increased pressure stability of pressure has been developed, which is characterized by a new functional and spatial structure. Justified is the effective pressure range in the vacuum operating circuit, as well as pressure stability parameters, including a pressure gradient along the pipeline length, a temporary instability, an amplitude of pressure pulsations, and relaxation coefficient of these pulsations.


About the Author

V. O. Kitikov
Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization, Minsk
D. Sc. (Engineering)


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14. Baranovskii M. V., Kurak A. S., Kitikov V. O. Optimized parameters of vacuum pressure during cow milking on devices UDA-24Е. Trudy ХIV Mezhdunarodnogo cimpoziuma po mashinnomu doeniiu sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh [Proceedings of the ХIV International Symposium on Machine Milking of Farm Animals]. Uglich, 2008, pp. 232–239 (in Russian).

15. Kitikov V. O., Tarkanovskii I. N. Analysis of the efficiency of use of milking machines with a working vacuum of 43 and 48 кPa. Mekhanizatsiia i elektrifikatsiia sel’skogo khoziaistva: mezhvedomstvennyi tematicheskii sbornik [Mechanization and electrification of agriculture: Interdepartmental thematic collection]. Minsk, 2008, vol. 42, pp. 171–176 (in Russian).


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