
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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The aim of the study was to compare the structural and functional parameters of the myocardium in different genotypes of polymorphic markers BsmI (B/b) (rs1544410) and FokI (F/f) (rs2228570) of the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) in individuals with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Materials and Methods. We examined 198 patients with CVD. BsmI and FokI of the VDR gene were determined by the polymerase chain reaction. The blood levels of parathyroid hormone, 25(OH)D total, endothelin-1, plasma renin activity were revealed by the method of enzyme immunoassay. The calcium and phosphorus level in the blood was defined by the colorimetric method. Echocardiography was performed by GE Logic P5 Premium (Korea) with a phased sector sensor with a frequency of 2–4 MHz in the modes M-, B-, PW, CW. Results. All participants were divided into groups according to genotypes of FokI and BsmI of the VDR gene. For each polymorphism, the groups were comparable in age, CVD, blood pressure, heart rate, body mass index and levels of the estimated biomarkers. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in the sizes of the aorta and the left atrium (LA), in the sizes and volumes of the left ventricle (LV) and its walls, the diameter of the LV outlet tract and the ejection fraction between the groups with the genotypes of FF and ff were established. In addition, differences (p < 0.05) were found in the aorta size, LA and interventricular septum between the groups with the genotypes of ff and Ff. According to the genotypes of BsmI of the VDR gene, the groups did not differ significantly in the estimated structural and functional parameters of the myocardium and aorta. Hypertrophy of the LV is diagnosed in 78.6 % of participants. Conclusions. Polymorphism of FokI, but not of BsmI of the VDR gene is associated with structural and functional parameters of the myocardium and aorta in individuals with CVD in the Grodno region of Belarus. With the greatest frequency, LV hypertrophy occurs with Ff (37.9 %) and Bb (33.8 %).

About the Authors

Victor A. Snezhitskiy
Grodno State Medical University, Grodno

Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Medicine), Professor, Rector

Gorkii Str., 80, 230009

Ludmila V. Yankouskaya
Grodno State Medical University, Grodno

Ph. D. (Medicine), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department

Gorkii Str., 80, 230009

Tatiana L. Stepuro
Grodno State Medical University, Grodno

Ph. D. (Biology), Researcher

Gorkii Str., 80, 230009

Victor I. Novogran
Grodno City Clinical Hospital № 3, Grodno

Head of the Department

59, Leninskogo Komsomola Blvd., 230030


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