
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Economy is a system, including a set of levers and regulatory mechanisms, methods and measures for support and development, evaluation methods, schemes and models of strategic devices and tools, current setting, etc. In this regard, system economics implies a whole set of measures and instruments in the appropriate system to achieve the target effect. Then the economy system can be represented as a scientifically ordered economy, where all structural components have their place and fulfill the role of functioning as a holistic system and allow you to get the programmed result. Such an economy eliminates the spontaneity of development and inconsistency of actions of a set of measures and instruments. However, in Belarus the subject of system of the economy has not yet developed, therefore all sections of the economy are presented separately, does not allow to achieve synergetic efficiency of economic entities in practice.

Research shows that system economics has its well-established infrastructure. It has five main levels: nanoeconomics, microeconomics, mesoеconomics, macroeconomics and megaeconomics. System Economics goes back to the intelligence, persisted in innovation, it not only represents a balanced interaction of measures and levers, but “doing” is based on the latest ideas, innovations and high technologies.

It is established that the first pattern is the system of Economics is based on intelligence. Regardless of the field generator for the reproduction and sustainability is a scientific-innovative potential. Another natural system of the economy should be the emphasis on real material production, although it is assumed the optimum balance of real (material) and intangible industries. The balance of industries in different spheres of employment – is an essential attribute of any modern economic infrastructure, driven by the mechanisms of the system of the economy.

In this regard, the article emphasizes that systematizing ideas and innovations constitute the main value of human capital determines his level of competition, the ability to be proactive. Capital creative individuals, primarily scientists, should be considered as the fundamental base for generating new ideas, the ability to select personnel and to encourage them to develop new competitive solutions for the more significant results of economic activities.

About the Author

Vladimir G. Gusakov
Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Gusakov Vladimir Grigorievich – Academician, D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Chairman of Presidium

66, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk


1. Leont’ev B. B., Leont’eva V. B. On the beginning of the formation of a systemic economy. Ekonomicheskie strategii = Economic Strategies, 2017, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 30–45 (in Russian).

2. Luchenok A. I., Gusakov V. G., Daineko A. E., Pekut’ko P. N., Vardevanyan G. M., Dedkov S. M., Goncharov V. V., Korshunov A. M., Kolotukhin V. A., Laevskaya N. O., Mel’nikova I. N., Medvedev V. F., Pochekina V. V. Socio-economic model: formation and development: theory, methodology, practice. Minsk, 2015, book 1. 554 p. (in Russian).


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ISSN 1561-8323 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2431 (Online)