The measures taken in the recent years to improve performance traits of farm animals allowed one to ensure the production of more than 7.0 million tons of milk and 1726 thousand tons of meat on all-category farms in 2017. 760 kg of milk and 130 kg of meat were produced per capita in the Republic.
For the period up to 2025, main attention should be paid to the application of resource-saving technologies and the latest scientific developments and improvements of the resource potential of the industry in the livestock breeding of Belarus. Priority should be given to the implementation of innovative technologies and improvement of breeding work.
The perfect number of dairy cows in the country with a total cattle number of 4.3–4.5 millions of farm animals should be at a level of approx. 1.5–1.6 million of farm animals. The pig livestock will slightly increase and will amount to 3.3–3.6 millions of farm animals by 2025. The increase in the number of the poultry livestock is not planned and it will remain at a level of 49.5 billions.
Taking into account that the genetic pool of farm animals is the national wealth of the country and using market mechanisms, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for breeding enterprises (especially breeding farms). There are few such enterprises, and the state could realize this to ensure the future of the Belarusian livestock.
About the Authors
Ivan P. SheykoBelarus
Sheiko Ivan Pavlovich – Academician, D. Sc. (Agrarian), Professor, Vice Deputy General Director
11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino, Minsk region
Ruslan I. Sheyko
Sheiko Ruslan Ivanovich – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Agrarian), Assistant Professor, Head of the Laboratory
11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino, Minsk region
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