Effect of the Fermi level position on the annealing characteristic of interstitial carbon defect in silicon
We present experimental results showing that the migration ability of interstitial carbon atom (Сi) in silicon depends noticeably on its charge state. The experimental results were obtained from the analysis of deep level transient spectra in n+–p diodes subjected to irradiation with 4–6 MeV electrons or α-particles at T < 273 k and subsequent heat-treatments in the temperature range 280–330 k under reverse bias and without it. It has been found that in the positive charge state the Сi migration energy is 0.88 ± 0.02 eV, while in the neutral charge state it is lowered down to 0.73–0.74 eV.
About the Authors
F. P. KorshunovBelarus
Korshunov Fedor Pavlovich – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Chief researcher.
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
S. В. Lastovskii
Lastovskii Stanislav Bronislavovich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the laboratory.
19, P. Brov ka Str., 220072, Minsk
H. S. Yakushevich
Yakushevich Hanna Sergeevna – Junior researcher.
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
V. P. Markevich
United Kingdom
Markevich Vladimir Pavlovich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Researcher.
Sackville Str., Manchester M139Pl
L. I. Murin
Murin Leonid Ivanovich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), leading Researcher.
19, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
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