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Interpretation of the observed levels of the lead concentration in ambient air


New results of the analysis of the specific content of lead in dust emissions in Europe and its connection with air pollution by lead are given to explain the odserved differences in trends of lead emission and its content in ambient air. A close correlation has been revealed between trend in lead content in atmospheric air and trend of the specific content of lead in dust emissions. The relative content of lead in dust emissions (specific lead emission) is proposed as an indicator of the impact of various industrial sectors on the air. The calculated ratio of lead emissions to total dust emissions (specific lead content content in dust) in the EU-28 decreased from 3014.2 mg/kg in 1990 to 1096.5 mg/kg in 2000 and 530.5 mg/kg in 2015. It is concluded that lead pollution in the atmosphere decreased mainly due to the reduction in lead content in aerosols. The possible contribution of insufficiently accounted sources to ambient air pollution by lead has been analyzed. It is shown that the most likely among the expected insufficiently accounted sources of lead emissions is the wear of the brakes of motor vehicles.

Communicated by Academician Vladimir F. Loginov

About the Author

S. V. Kakareka
Institute for Nature Management, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Kakareka Sergey Vitalievich - D. Sc. (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory.

10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk


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