Study of the microbiome species of the flowers phytophages based on the DNA-barcoding data
About the Authors
S. V. PanteleevRussian Federation
Panteleev Stanislav Victorovich – Ph. D. (Biology), Senior researcher.
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246050, Gomel.
O. Yu. Baranov
Russian Federation
Baranov Oleg Yur’evich – D. Sc. (Biology), Assistant pro fessor, Head of the Department.
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246050, Gomel.
L. A. Golovchenko
Russian Federation
Golovchenko Ludmila Anatol’evna – Ph. D. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory.
2в, Surganov Str., 220050, Minsk.
A. V. Konstantinov
Russian Federation
Konstantinov Andrei Vyacheslavovich – Researcher.
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246050, Gomel.
L. V. Mozharovskaya
Russian Federation
Mozharovskaya Ludmila Valentinovna – Junior researcher.
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246050, Gomel.
N. G. Dishuk
Russian Federation
Dishuk Natalia Georgievna – Ph. D. (Biology), Leading researcher.
2в, Surganov Str., 220050, Minsk.
V. A. Timofeeva
Russian Federation
Timofeeva Veronika Alekseevna – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Leading researcher.
2в, Surganov Str., 220050, Minsk.
V. E. Padutov
Russian Federation
Padutov Vladimir Evgenievich – Corresponding Mem ber, D. Sc. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory.
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246050, Gomel.
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