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New highly productive plant type of pigs “Pridneprovsky” in the Belarusian meat breed


As a result of the research conducted, it was determined that the performance indicators of created plant type correspond to the indicators of the target standard. Performance of first litter gilts, as well as sows with two or more farrowings, amounted to 11.8 and 11.9 piglets of multiple pregnancy rate, 54.5–55.2 kg of milk yield, for the number of piglets and litter weight at weaning – 10 animals, 84.3–85.1 kg, respectively. Among the selected boars for reproduction according to a greater part of traits, animals of Zaslon line were the best, with indicators of the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg and an average daily weight gain from birth to 100 kg of live weight made 170.5 days and 717 g, respectively. During the lifetime assessment of meat traits in young animals of the created type selected for self-repair, the back fat thickness values measured at two points of the back, as well as the height of the longest muscle and the lean meat content in body made 16.0, 18.7 and 44.2 mm and 52.0 %, for gilts, respectively, and 15.7, 17.2 and 45.3 mm and 53.2 % for boars, respectively. Calculation of the complex index of sows showed that in most animals its value made 100 points. Assessment of the genetic structure of animals of the new plant type in the Belarusian meat breed by genes RYR 1, ESR, H-FABP and IGF2 was carried out.

About the Authors

I. P. Sheyko
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Sheyko Ivan Pavlovich – Academician, D. Sc. (Agrarian), Professor, First Deputy General Director. 

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.

R. I. Sheyko
Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Sheyko Ruslan Ivanovich – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Agrarian), Associate Professor, Director.

27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk.

E. A. Yanovich
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Yanovich Elena Anatolyevna – Ph. D. (Agrarian), Leading researcher. 

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.

N. V. Pristupa
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Pristupa Natalya Vladimirovna – Ph. D. (Agrarian), Leading researcher.

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.

T. N. Timoshenko
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Timoshenko Tatyana Nikolaevna – Ph. D. (Agrarian), Associate professor, Chief researcher. 

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.

V. N. Zayats
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Zayats Vladimir Nikolaevich – Ph. D. (Agrarian), Leading researcher. 

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.

I. V. Anihovskaya
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Anihovskaya Irina Valerievna – Researcher. 

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.

K. A. Kapshevich
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.

Kapshevich Kristina Aleksandrovna – Postgraduate student.

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino.


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