
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Complex elements of aerospace equipment from reaction silicon carbide ceramics


The results of studying the process of obtaining complex-profile elements of the substrate of mirrors of optical telescopes from reaction-sintered silicon carbide ceramics are presented. It is shown that the strength of silicon carbide ceramics depends on the dispersion of the silicon carbide powder and on the temperature of reaction sintering. An increase in the sintering temperature from 1500 to 1650 °C leads to an increase in strength by 60 MPa, and to 1800 °C – to a decrease in strength by 40 MPa. An increase in strength is explained by a decrease in free silicon and an increase in the content of secondary silicon carbide, a decrease in strength is explained by an increase in the size of carbide grains. The study of the influence of the modes of soldering of hexagonal elements to obtain a complex-profile element of the substrate of the mirror of an optical telescope on the strength of the soldered seam showed that the introduction of silicon carbide powder 7 μm in size and amorphous boron in an amount of 6 % into the solder composition based on silicon carbide has a positive effect on the strength of the soldered seam. Tests of the brazed specimens at three-point bending showed that fracture occurs along the body of the specimens being brazed, and not the brazed seam. The structure of the brazed joint depends on the composition of the braze alloy and the gap between the samples to be brazed.

About the Authors

A. Ph. Ilyushchenko
Powder Metallurgy Institute named after O. V. Roman

Ilyushchenko Alexandr Ph. – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director

41, Platonov Str., 220005, Minsk

L. N. Dyachkova
Powder Metallurgy Institute named after O. V. Roman

Dyachkova Larisa N. – D. Sc. (Engineering), Associate professor, Head of the Laboratory

41, Platonov Str., 220005, Minsk

V. A. Osipov
Powder Metallurgy Institute named after O. V. Roman

Osipov Vladimir А. – Senior researcher

41, Platonov Str., 220005, Minsk


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