Design solutions for gravity-independent heat pipes
Heat pipes with mesh wicks were designed (working liquid – water, envelope – copper tube). Wicks from the mesh of various weaves (plain, twill, leno and looped) with improved hydrophilic properties and secondary capillary structure were developed. Heat pipes are gravity-independent, adapted to work in various conditions of orientation and localization, and provide the transfer of high heat flux powers (up to 25 W/cm2 ). The peculiar properties of the developed heat pipes in contrast to the traditional heat pipes (with powder wicks) are: high performance characteristics, resistance to deep freezing; vibrostability.
About the Authors
O. L. VoitikBelarus
Voitik Olga L., Senior researcher
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
K. I. Delendik
Delendik Kirill I., Senior researcher
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
N. V. Kolyago
Kolyago Natalia V., Leading researcher
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
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