New data on the chemical composition of the non-ferrous metal products of the X–XVIII centuries on the territory of Northern and Central Belarus
The article presents the results of analysis of new data on the elemental composition of non-ferrous metal products on the territory of certain archaeological sites in Northern and Central Belarus. The author distinguishes two main stages in the non-ferrous metalworking of the region: the X–XIII centuries and XIV–XVIII centuries. It is noted that the period of the X–XIII centuries is characterized by a significant predominance of copper-zinc alloys with average and high concentrations of zinc in metal. Meanwhile, bronze alloys also play an important role, accounting for 35 % of the total number of the items studied. Samples made of copper-zinc and bronze alloys are also characterized by a significant amount of lead. As a result of the analysis of the data on the elemental composition of non-ferrous metal products of the XIV–XVIII centuries, it is concluded that non-ferrous metalworking of this period is characterized by the continuity of traditions with handicraft production of the previous period, which manifested itself in the widespread use of copper-zinc alloys, as well as of tin-lead and multicomponent bronzes. At the same time, a significant difference is the increase in the proportion of alloys with high concentrations of alloying components.
About the Author
I. U. MahalinskiBelarus
Mahalinski Ihar U., Ph. D. (History), Associate professor
29, Blokhin Str., 211440, Novopolotsk
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