
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Criterion for the occurrence of the macro destruction and formation of breaking during metal deformation


When generalizing the geometrically nonlinear law of Murnaghan elasticity to plasticity, a formally mathematical criterion was introduced for deformational macrofracture (macrocrack appearance) associated with an increase in elastic and plastic anisotropy as a failure cause. The use of the double potentiality of the governing equations in stresses and their velocities made it possible to obtain the reliable information on the structure of the deviatory section of the yield surface, the existence of which is a classical hypothesis in solid mechanics. The normal vector to the surface of the deviatory section is selected from two mutually orthogonal eigenvectors of the constructed operator. There are two families of regular concave surfaces, and a section surface is formed by joining the parts of two representatives of the families at singular points. To select normal vectors, the obtained ratio for them is used for isotropy. In connection with the considered problem of a double simple shift, it is established that multiple eigenvalues appear for the both normal vectors. To unambiguously determine the normal vector at a regular point, it is necessary to exclude the presence of multiple eigenvalues for the both normal vectors at the same time. At a singular point, the appearance of a multiple eigenvalue of one of the normal vectors is still unacceptable. These two conditions are necessary and sufficient to validate the governing equations of the generalized Murnaghan model. Otherwise, a macrocrack occurs. The theoretical construction is supported by the developed software complexes.

About the Authors

O. L. Shved
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Shved Oleg L. – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate professor, Leading researcher

6, Surganov Str., 220012, Minsk

V. V. Tkachenko
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tkachenko Vadim V. – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate professor, Head of the Laboratory

6, Surganov Str., 220012, Minsk


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