We have studied the foraging activity and stomach contents of YOY fish in 2 different habitat types: in the bare littoral zone with a sandy or slightly silty bottom and in the littoral zone with reed stands (Schoenoplectus lacustris) of mesoeutrophic Lake Obsterno (north-west of Belarus). The gut content in 5 species of YOY fish (bleak, bream, roach, rudd and sunbleak) during the first decade of July was analyzed and the food selectivity was estimated by Ivlev Selectivity Index. It has been shown that the high food selectivity pointed out for tichoplanktonic species of Cladocera (Chydoridae family) in contrast with euplanktonic species. The overlap trophic niches for 3 studied species (YOY’s bleak, roach and rudd) were welldefined in the bare littoral zone to compare with the littoral zone with reed stands. We also speculate that the rarity and low density in some Chydoridae family species may be coupled with high YOY pressure.
About the Authors
Zh. F. BUSEVABelarus
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