Non-relativistic approximation in the Pauli–Fierz theory for a spin 3/2 particle in the presence of external fields
In the paper, we examine the non-relativistic approximation in the relativistic system of equations in Cartesian coordinates for 16-component wave functions with transformation properties of the vector-bispinor under the Lorentz group. When performing the non-relativistic approximation, for separating large and small components in the complete wave function we apply the method of projective operators. Accordingly, the complete wave function is presented as a sum of three parts: the large part depends on 6 variables, and the small ones depend on 14 variables. We have found two linear constraints on large components and two constraints on the small ones. After performing the procedure of the non-relativistic approximation we have derived 6 equations with a needed non-relativistic structure, which include only 4 large components. It is proved that only 4 equations are independent, so we have arrived at the generalized Pauli-like equation for the 4-component wave function. The analysis of transformation properties of the non-relativistic wave function permits us to generalize the structure of the derived equation to an arbitrary curved 3-space.
About the Authors
A. V. IvashkevichBelarus
Ivashkevich Alina V. – Postgraduate Student.
68-2, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk
V. M. Red’kov
Red’kov Viktor M. – D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Chief Researcher.
68-2, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk
A. M. Ishkhanyan
Ishkhanyan Artur M. – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor.
15/2 Gitavan, Ashtarak, 0203
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