
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Gypsum was found in the Silurian deposits of Belarus for the first time. It composes nodules and fills cracks and fenestras in clayey-carbonate rocks revealed by the Davtiuny 3k borehole (Grodno area, Ostrovets region). With the use of the sulphur isotope data, it is shown that gypsum was formed at the diagenetic stage in the Silurian seawater concentrated under interground evaporation. The process was the result of a repeated superimposition of supratidal environment onto clayey- carbonate deposits formed in shallow subtidal and intratidal conditions.

About the Authors

Научно-производственный центр по геологии

Научно-производственный центр по геологии

Геологический институт РАН
Russian Federation


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