
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Colloid-chemical properties of water solutions of compositions of surfactants of different nature are studied. The synergetic effects for the compositions of cationic/anionic surfactants and cationic/non-ionized surfactants at micellization and adsorption are found. It has been found that the maximal synergism of action, showing up in a decrease of surface tension, is offered by the composition of cationic/anionic surfactants in the component 4 : 1. This fact stipulates the efficiency of its dispersive action and its capacity of forming on the surface of particles the dispersible phase of oil slime of the structured layer, possessing maximum elasticity and mechanical strength, as compared to the molecules of cationic and non-ionized surfactants. Water dispersions of oil slime obtained with the use of the composition of cationic and anionic surfactants are the aggregative and kinetically stabilized dispersions of direct type.

About the Authors

O. N. Opanasenko
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Chemistry), Head of the Laboratory

N. P. Krut’ko
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Academician, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Head of the Department

O. L. Zhigalova
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Chemistry), Senior researcher

O. V. Luksha
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Chemistry), Senior researcher

T. A. Kozinets
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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