
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Only females are used in technology of caviar aquaculture, and the males shall be rejected as soon as possible. It is believed that sturgeons have no clearly defined external morphological sex character. Because of the dark color of most sturgeons, the external morphological character, the structure and form of which are sex-dependent, have not been noticed earlier. The aim of our work was to study the morphological structure of the derivatives of the corium (dorsal scutes) of different-age sterlet and to identify its sex-dependent structure. The object of this study was the broodstock of 3-year sterlet of the Volga population, with the gonads of the second stage of maturity, as well as the three-month larva and year-old juvenile sterlet. Cultivation was carried out in the re-circulating aquaculture system at an average water temperature of 16 ± 2  °C. Wintering was not used. We were the first in the practice of ichthyology and aquaculture who found that dorsal scutes of sterlet maturing had significant sex-dependent morphological differences. To assess the morphological structure of the dorsal scutes, it was proposed to define two groups of indicators characterizing the scutes shape, as well as the structure of the cusps of scutes. We found that dorsal scutes of males are more extended in width and have a flattened shape. Dorsal scutes of males have long and thin cusps, the number of which is larger than that of females. For the first time it was found that the established dependence on the structure of dorsal scutes of sterlet is saved as in juveniles with an average length of 24.8  ±   1.5 cm and larvae with an average length of 70.3  ± 3.6 mm. Our results form a methodological basis for global aquaculture practice in effort to develop systems of early and very early sex identification of all Acipenseridae, including the early stages of ontogeny.

About the Author

N. V. Barulin
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
Ph. D. (Agrarian), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department


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