The data are presented on kinetic correlations of the growth of parent and lactose-adapted strains of bacteria Arthrobacter sulfonivorans and the production of extracellular beta-galactosidase. It was found that the adapted strain BIM B-499-D was distinguished by a shorter lag phase than the parent strain BIM B-2242 by a reduced period of reaching a maximum specific growth rate (μmax = 0.316–0.319 h–1) and a stationary phase of culture. Synthesis of extracellular enzyme in both strains occurred during the exponential growth phase and attained a peak specific rate (εmax = 0.247–0.250 U · mg–1 · h–1) with a 6 h time interval. BIM B-499-D exceeds BIM B-22421.6 times in the level of enzyme biosynthesis and in the duration of the process – 1.3 times. The kinetic parameters of growth (tµmax = 6–9 h) and beta-galactosidase production (tεmax = 18–24 h) established for the examined strains indicate the disconnection of processes in time at least by 12–15 h.
About the Authors
L. I. SapunovaBelarus
Ph. D. (Biology), Chief researcher
A. G. Lobanok
Academician, D. Sc. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory
I. A. Tamkovich
Ph. D. (Biology), Senior researcher
A. A. Kastsianevich
Ph. D. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory
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