The article discusses the data on the long-time effect of low frequency magnetic fields (IF MF 50 Hz, 0.4 mT, 4h/day, 5 days/week, 26 days) on blood cells and spermatozoa of Wistar rats. It was determined that at different times after exposure (3th, 15th and 30th days) the changes in different quantitative and qualitative indicators of test cells were revealed, some of which are kept in 30 days after exposure.
About the Authors
G. G. VereschakoBelarus
Ph. D. (Biology), Leading researcher
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
I. A. Cheshik
Ph. D. (Medicine), Assistant Professor, Director
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
V. I. Shalatonin
Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor
6, P. Browka Str., 220013
N. V. Chueshova
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
G. A. Gorokh
Head of the Laboratory
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
M. A. Bakshayeva
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
A. Ya. Kazlou
Junior researcher
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
E. V. Tsukanova
Junior researcher
4, Fedyninskii Str., 246007
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