
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Neutron diffraction, magnetic and magnetotransport studies of perovskites La1–x Srx ( Mn3+1-x/2 Sb5+x/2)O3 (x ≤ 0,7) containing only Mn3+ ions were carried out. It is shown that at x ~ 0.2, the system goes from the antiferromagnetic state to the ferromagnetic one. In this case, the structure is transformed from the O′-orthorhombic structure to the O-orthorhombic one, which is due to orbital disordering. At x ≥ 0.6, the cluster spin glass phase arises due to the competition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions, as well as due to strong diamagnetic dilution. As the ionic radius of the rare-earth ion is decreased in the series R0,7Sr0,3Mn0,85Sb0,15O3, the ferromagnetic state is gradually transformed into spin glass (R = Sm). All ferromagnetic compounds are insulators with a large magnitude of the magnetoresistive effect. The high covalence and orbital disordering are assumed to be responsible for ferromagnetism in the compounds under study.


About the Authors

I. O. Troyanchuk
Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory

M. V. Bushinsky
Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior researcher

N. V. Tereshko
Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Researcher

A. N. Chobot
Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Researcher

O. S. Mantytskaya
Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Researcher

G. M. Chobot
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Minsk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Assistant Professor

S. N. Pastushonok
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Assistant Professor

V. M. Dobraynsky
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Minsk
D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor


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