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The problem of halogenesis in the Pripyat intercontinental paleorift is considered for the first time in a new fashion. At least, three periods of existence of arid climate and evaporate basins of seawater condensation within paleorift boundaries have been established. However, in none of them the concentration of water reached the salinity degree, at which the precipitation of rock salt begins. The intense halogenesis and accumulation of thick salt formations took place at the early (D3 2 lv–D3 2 dm) and mature (D3 2 lb–D3 2 or) stages of development of rift graben and explosive volcanism within it; this testifies to a close genetic relationship between these two phenomena.


About the Author

A. V. Kudelsky
Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), Professor, Chief researcher


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