
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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It is known that thermokinetic EMF occurs in homogeneous materials when the heating zone moves along a conductor. The obligatory occurrence of this kind of EMF is associated with phase transformations that proceed in a local heat-affected zone, for example, iron undergoes an allotropic transformation at 700–800 °C. It is natural to assume that this phenomenon can be observed in shape memory alloys under thermoelastic phase transformation that takes place at much lower temperatures. The studies presented here showed that the thermokinetic EMF appearance in titanium nickelide alloys is possible during the movement both of the heating zone (reverse phase transformation) and of the cooling zone (direct phase transformation). The physical justification for the EMF appearance is provided, according to which thermokinetic EMF is initiated as a result of a potential difference between the areas of direct and reverse phase transformations that occur due to the temperature influence along the TiNi wire sample. The paper also considers the thermokinetic EMF appearance in an amorphous–crystalline thin ribbon of Ti50Ni25Cu25 when a high-temperature local heating zone moves along it. This phenomenon is associated with the process of crystallization of material, i. e., amorphous to a crystalline state transition. Thermokinetic EMF also occurs when the interface between the amorphous and crystalline phases is heated locally. In this case, the thermokinetic EMF appearance is associated with a potential difference between the regions and similar to thermokinetic EMF occurring in the thermocouple. Studies on the thermokinetic EMF appearance due to the temperature effect on shape memory alloys during thermoelastic phase transformations allows one to more fully understand the thermokinetic EMF phenomenon. The results can find practical application in non-destructive testing of physical-mechanical properties of these alloys and as energy sources.

About the Author

V. V. Rubanik
Institute of Technical Acoustics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vitebsk
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Engineering), Director


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