
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Lower Famenian inter-salt deposits (Belarus) have been studied comprehensively. The microlithofacies are as follows: laminated organic-carbonate-silica rock; massive limestone; radiolarite; algal limestone; massive dolomite; porous dolomite; dolomite of indistinct lumpy texture. Rocks contain pores of dissolved radiolarians, cracks of fluid auto-fracturing
and weakened zones encountered in the secondary transformations. Rocks of Domanic type in the Central oil area of the Pripyat can be oil-bearing and oil-generating ones.

About the Authors

S. M. Abravets
Research and Prodaction Centre for Geology.

Abravets Svetlana Mitrophanovna – Ph. D. (Geology), Leading researcher.  

10, Kuprevich Str., 220141, Minsk.

I. A. Yashin
Belarusian Research Design Institute of Petroleum.

Yashin Igory Aleksandrovich – Ph. D. (Geology), Head of the Laboratory.

8, Artilleriiskaya Str., 240022, Gomel.


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