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Within the framework of the sociological approach, the definition of “civilizational code” is considered, the place and role of its main factors in the system of Belarusian society are determined. Among them is a special place occupied by historical memory as one of the most important elements of civilization. The work reveals the essential features and structural elements of historical memory, its role in preserving and strengthening the socio-spiritual foundations of being, a possible use of historical experience in the activities of people or its return to the sphere of social consciousness. By historical memory are understood the selection, reproduction, and transfer of social experience, which is important and necessary to preserve accumulated knowledge and experience, their transfer from generation to generation, as the perception of history by mass consciousness as a set of ideas about the past existing in society both at a mass and individual level, including cognitive, imaginative, and emotional aspects. It is shown that on the turning points of history, at a transition of society from one qualitative state to another, historical memory can be used as an instrument of ideological struggle and purposeful influence
on mass consciousness and filled with a specific information content at the request of various social groups and elites.

About the Author

I. V. Kotlyarov
Institute of Sociology of the National Acade my of Sciences of Belarus.

Kotlyarov Igor Vasilyevich– D. Sc. (Sociology), Professor, Director.

1, build. 2, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk.


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