The article presents the results of comparison of the biochemical composition of the muscles of two-year carp of two-way crosses and the breeds and lines of different-origin carp and Amur sazan. The combinations characterized by an increased level of the dry basis content, fat and protein are established in comparison with a mean-population value, a mean level of the Belarusian collection lines, import breeds and Amur sazan bred under the same conditions. The mean mass of two-year carp selected for investigation was 531.3 g within the range from 370.2 to 645.0 g mainly with a low and mean degree ofvariation. The mean level of the dry basis content of all examined crosses was 25.85 %, the maximum value of this parameter of German × three prim was 27.92 %, and the minimum value of Germany ×Lahvin scaleless was 24.08 %. The low values of the variation coefficient (1.0–9.8 %) point to a slight variation of this parameter of different mixed bred crosses.
About the Authors
Ya. I. SheikoRussian Federation
Sheiko Yaroslav Ivanovich – Ph. D. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory.
22, Stebenev Str., 220024, Minsk.
D. A. Zhmoidyak
Russian Federation
Zhmoidyak Daria Aleksandrovna – Junior researcher.
22, Stebenev Str., 220024, Minsk.
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