Formation of the IR photodetecting structures based on silicon hyperdoped with tellurium
The Si layers doped with Te up to the concentrations of (3–5)1020 cm–3 have been formed via ion implantation and pulsed laser melting. It is found, 70–90 % of the embedded impurity atoms are in substitution states in the silicon lattice. These layers have revealed significant absorption (35–66 %) in the wavelength λ range of 1100–2500 nm. In this case, the absorption coefficient increases with the λ growth. The absorption spectra of the implanted layers after pulsed laser melting, equilibrium furnace annealing, and rapid thermal annealing have been compared. It is shown that equilibrium furnace annealing increases the photon absorption by 4 % in the wavelength range of 1100–2500 nm in comparison with virgin Si. After rapid thermal annealing, the photon absorption in the IR-range increases only by 2 %.
About the Authors
Fadei F. KomarovBelarus
Komarov Fadey Fadeevich – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory
7, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
Nikita S. Nechaev
Nechaev Nikita Sergeevich – Junior researcher Intern
7, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
Irina N. Parkhomenko
Parkhomenko Irina Nikolaevna – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior researcher
5, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
Gennadii D. Ivlev
Ivlev Gennadii Dmitrievich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Leading researcher
5, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
Liudmila A. Vlasukova
Vlasukova Liudmila Aleksandrovna – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Laboratory
5, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
Vladimir V. Pilko
Pilko Vladimir Vladimirovich – Junior researcher
7, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
Elke Wendler
Wendler Elke – Professor
1, Max Wein Platz, 07743, Jena
Alexander F. Komarov
Komarov Alexander Fadeevich – D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Chief researcher
7, kurchatov Str., 220045, Minsk
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