Integral methods of solving heat-conduction problems: a new concept (Dirichlet condition)
On the basic of consideration of the heat-conduction problem for a semi-bounded space with a temperature profile defined by a parabola with an exponent n, a new concept of construction of constitutive involves the introduction of a local function for a heat flow or for the temperature, with is determined from the heat-conduction equation. The approach proposed made it possible to obtain a number of new integral relation: an improved integral for the temperature momentum, an integral of a quadratic heat flow, and an integral of a quadratic temperature function. Two Schemes of optimizing the exponent n with the use of the error norms E1 and are proposed. As compared to the Langford norm, the indicated error norms made it possible to substantially increase the approximation accuracy of solutions of the problem posed.
About the Author
Valery A. KotBelarus
Kot Valery Andreevich – Ph. D. (Engineering), Senior researcher
15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
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