Regression and analytical calculations of radiative transfer for the fluorescent diagnostics of biological media
Communicated by Academician Vladimir A. Kulchitsky
A rapid method for correction of the influence of light scattering and absorption in biological tissues on their fluorescent images is proposed. To speed up the calculations of a medium transfer function a regression and analytical descriptions of light fields at the fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths are used. The required information on the absorbance of a medium is extracted from components of its colored image. The effectiveness of the method is estimated on the images of biological phantoms obtained by the Monte Carlo simulations.
About the Authors
Sergey A. LysenkoRussian Federation
Lysenko Sergey Aleksandrovich - D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate professor, Head of the Center, Deputy Director.
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
Eduard S. Kashitsky
Russian Federation
Kashitsky Eduard Stepanovich - Ph. D. (Medicine), Associate professor, Leading researcher.
28, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
Olga L. Bogdanovich
Russian Federation
Bogdanovich Olga Leonidovna - Director.
62-206, Pritytsky Str., 220140, Minsk
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