Allelic composition of puriindoline genes in soft spring wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.)
Screening of 27 varieties of soft spring wheat, included in the State register of varieties of the Republic of Belarus for 2019 for the presence of alleles of genes of puroindolines Pina-D1 (Pina-D1a and Pina-D1b) and Pinb-D1 (Pinb-D1a, Pinb-D1b, Pinb-D1d) was carried out using аllele-specific markers. As a result of the research made, it is shown that almost all studied varieties of spring wheat are solid-grained, since their genotype revealed mutant alleles: Pinb-D1b, Pinb-D1c, Pinb-D1d. The exception was the Belarusian varieties of wheat Madonna and Sabina that were the carriers of alleles of wild type Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a. In the varieties of spring wheat Darja (Belarus), Laska (Belarus), Lubava (Belarus), Slavyanka (Belarus, Russia), Triso (Germany), Sorbas (Germany), Korynta (Poland), Verbena (Poland), Venera (Serbia), Septima (Czech Republic) identified the mutant allele Pinb-D1b. The carriers of the allele Pinb-D1c are the varieties Rostan (Belarus), Rassvet (Belarus), Toma (Belarus), Vasilisa (Belarus), Moneta (Belarus), Nagrada (Belarus), Sudaryna (Belarus), Ladja (Belarus, Russia), Quattro (Germany), Kvintus (Germany), Koksa (Poland), Mandaryna (Poland), Serenada (Poland), Korynta (Poland), Verbena (Poland) and Canuck (France). Amplification fragments characteristic of the mutant allele Pin-bD1d were present in he wheat variety Eureka (Belarus). Varieties of soft spring wheat with the identified alleles of the puroindoline genes Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 can serve as a starting material for a purposeful formation of the genotype of the variety with specified values of endosperm hardness and softness of the endosperm, and it can also be used as a positive control in molecular genetic studies.
About the Authors
Tatsiana V. DolmatovichBelarus
Dalmatovich Tatsiana Vladimirovna - Ph. D. (Biology), Leading researcher.
27, Akademich-eskaya Str., 220072, MinskAndrei A. Buloichik
Buloichik Andrei Aleksandrovich - Ph. D. (Biology), Leading researcher.
27, Akademich-eskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
Valentina A. Lemesh
Lemesh Valentina Aleksandrovna - Ph. D. (Biology), Assistant professor, Head of the Laboratory.
27, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
Victar N. Bushtevich
Bushtevich Victar Nikolaevich - Ph. D. (Agrarian), Assistant professor, Head of the Laboratory.
1, Timiriyazev Str., 222160, Zhodino
Stanislav I. Grib
Grib Stanislav Ivanovich - Academician, D. Sc. (Agrarian), Professor, Chief researcher.
1, Timiriyazev Str., 222160, Zhodino
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