Environmental changes in the Late Glacial and Holocene in the southeast of Belarus
Communicated by Academician Aleksey V. Matveev
The reconstruction of environmental changes in the southeast of Belarus during the last 14700 cal. BP is based on the results of palynological, radiocarbon, isotope and lithological studies of Lake Staroje deposits. Climatic fluctuations, fires and human activities played a significant role in the transformation of the vegetation cover. The beginning of the lacustrine sedimentation was dated circa 16000 cal. BP. The intensification of erosion processes on the water catchment area was marked by an increase in the mineral material flow into the lake. These events have a positive correlation with the climate cooling and humidity phases in the Late Glacial and Early Holocene, and in the Late Holocene with anthropogenic impact stages. The traces of the episodic human activity were dated to 5800 cal. BP, while the expansion of farming and pasturing areas began at 3000 cal. BP Currently the consequences of human activities (including drainage of bogs) are reflected in the treeless landscapes adjacent to the lake.
About the Authors
Valentina P. ZernitskayaBelarus
Zernitskaya Valentina Petrovna - Ph. D. (Geography), Leading researcher.
10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk
Elena Yu. Novenko
Russian Federation
Novenko Elena Yurevna - D. Sc. (Geography), Leading researcher.
1, Le-ninskie Gory Str., 119991, Moscow
Migle Stančikaitė
Stancikaite Migle - D. Sc. (Geography), Leading researcher.
2, Akademijos Str., LT-08412, Vilnius
Boris P. Vlasov
Vlasov Boris Pavlovich - D. Sc. (Geography), Head of the Laboratory.
4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk
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