
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Pripyat area of the late-devonian magmatism and its association with the plume tectonics of the Dnieper lithosphere segment


The Pripyat area of the Late-Devonian magmatism (PALDM) covers the eastern and northeastern territories of the lithosphere segment of the same name. The space asymmetry of the PALDM relative to the Pripyat paleorift graben is the fundamental feature of the western side of the Pripyat-Dnieper-Donets aulacogen. The explosive and effusive-intrusive magmatism manifested within this territory in the Late Devonian was determined to a large extent by the premagmatic and synmagmatic destruction of the earth’s crust within the riftogenesis area and a junction with West-Dnieper rift pillow (RP) formed by the core intrusions of the mantle plumes in the region of the Bragin-Loyev Saddle. The synrift shear zones of tension within the PALDM were the tracers for the magmatic melt motion from the deep magmatic chambers towards the upper crustal “chambers” of lowered pressure. Their general geological position is marked by the West-Dnieper RP.

About the Author

R. Ye. Aizberg
Institute for Nature Management, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Aizberg Romma Yefimovich - Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Geology), Chief researcher.

10, F. Skorina Str., 220114, Minsk


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