Features of electromagnetic radiation in the interaction of a high-speed flow of silicon carbide microparticles with a metal barrier
This work is a continuation of the work, where the results of the theoretical study of the formation of the electromagnetic field in the explosion of the cumulative charge were presented and the hypothesis of the formation of an electromagnetic pulse in the collision of a high-speed flow of particles with a metal barrier was put forward. In the present work, the cumulative charge was used to disperse powder microparticles to speeds of 2500 m/s and to study the processes of collision of high-speed particle flows with an obstacle. The purpose of the work is to study the features of electromagnetic radiation in the collision of a high-speed flow of particles with a solid. The study of the resulting pulse of electromagnetic radiation was carried out according to the developed method by measuring the magnetic field induction using Hall sensors. The average value of the magnetic field induction is 45.9 MT. Registration of the ionizing component and evaluation of the radiation energy were determined by the intensity of photodetector illumination (x-ray film). Evaluation of the particle energy along the path length in the emulsion gives a value of 80-100 MeV. It is shown that the process of high-speed collision and interaction of the microparticle flow. with a metal barrier is accompanied by a number of effects that have not yet been studied. As a result of the research, practical results are obtained that confirm the previously proposed hypothesis and allow to supplement the understanding of the nature of the origin of electromagnetic radiation in the collision of a high-speed flow of particles with a metal barrier in the conditions of their penetration.
About the Authors
Alexander F. IlyushchenkoBelarus
Ilyushchenko Alexander Fedorovich - Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director.
41, Platonov Str., 220005, Minsk
Vladimir I. Ovchinnikov
Ovchinnikov Vladimir Ilyich - Ph. D. (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory.
41, Platonov Str., 220005, Minsk
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