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Method for calculation of radiative heat transfer in beds of spherical particles


A new technique for implementing external (particle-to-wall) and particle-to-particle radiative heat transfer in discrete elements method (DEM) simulations is proposed. It is based on the idea that an expected view factor value depends on relevant local bed parameters (distance between particles, particle radius ratio, and local bed porosity). Calculation of average view factors via the formula requires considerably less computational effort than direct in situ integration, when this happens a reasonable average value and an overall accuracy comparable to direct calculation are provided. Both mono- and polydisperse mixtures of spherical opaque particles were considered. It was shown that using nondimensional parameters, a simple general dependence for an external radiative heat flux may be introduced. Exponential and linear fits were proposed for estimating the particle-particle radiative heat flux. The generalization of the obtained formulas for various bed porosities is proposed. The distribution of cumulative transferred heat flux across the particles up to a certain distance was found, and the recommendations regarding the choice of that parameter to achieve a desired accuracy were formulated. Also, the method to account for the particle emissivity was proposed on the basis of the empirical dependence between emissivity and radiative heat flux in porous materials. The proposed method satisfies all the requirements to become a standard implementation of radiative heat transfer calculation in DEM.

About the Author

A. I. Malinouski
A. V. Lui kov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Malinouski Andrei Iharavich – Junior researcher.  

15, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk


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