Use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis
An effective method for treatment of chronic tonsillitis has been developed. It is based on combined (sequential) exposure of the tonsils to laser radiation of violet (405 nm wavelength) and red (650 wavelength) spectral regions at a power density of 25 mW/cm2 for 3 minutes for each amygdala for 7 days. It was shown that laser therapy according to the above method has positive anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antimicrobial effects. Moreover, the antimicrobial effect of laser radiation is due to the excitation of endogenous porphyrin and flavin photosensitizers, localized mainly in pathogenic microflora. The high efficiency of generation of singlet oxygen by these compounds is capable of realizing the bactericidal action of light without introducing exogenous photosensitizers.
About the Authors
Y. E. YaromenkaRussian Federation
Yaromenka Yuliya E. - D. Sc. (Medicine), Associate professor, Head of the Department.
8, Sukhaya Str., 220004, Minsk
A. L. Malets
Russian Federation
Malets Alena L. - Ph. D. (Medicine), Scientific Secretary.
8, Sukhaya Str., 220004, Minsk
H. А. Kupryianava
Russian Federation
Kupryianava Hanna A. - Researcher.
8, Sukhaya Str., 220004, Minsk
V. I. Zhurnevich
Russian Federation
Zhurnevich Veronika I. - Researcher.
8, Sukhaya Str., 220004, Minsk
V. Y. Plavskii
Russian Federation
Plavskii Vitaly Y. - Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Deputy Director.
68, Nezavisi-mosti Ave., 220072, Minsk
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