
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Structure prediction algorithm for protein complexes based on gene ontology


We propose an algorithm for comparing protein-protein complexes based on their functional properties in terms of Gene Ontology. The proposed measure of a functional similarity between complexes is combined with a structural measure to find templates for the template-based docking of protein complexes. We present the results on the modeling of protein complexes based on this algorithm.

About the Authors

A. Yu. Hadarovich
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Hadarovich Anna Yu. – Researcher.

6, Surganov Str., 220012, Minsk

I. V. Anishchenko
University of Washington
United States

Anishchanka Ivan V. – Ph. D. (Engineering), Researcher.


P. Kundrotas
University of Kansas
United States

Kundrotas Petras – Assistant research professor.

66045, 2030 Becker Drive, Lawrence, Kansas

I. Vakser
University of Kansas
United States

Vakser Ilya – Professor, Director. Center for Computational Biology.

66045, 2030 Becker Drive, Lawrence, Kansas

A. V. Tuzikov
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tuzikov Alexander V. – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, General director.

6, Surganov Str., 220012, Minsk


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