Improvement bases of the theory basing with account for the development of traditional and additive technologies
It is proposed that the design and production of individual elements of parts and products as a whole be carried out from the standpoint of operation and monitoring of its condition, both in traditional and additive manufacturing using the modular principle in engineering and technology. The way of unification of design decisions for the design of the product, equipment and technological and metrological equipment during its manufacture is discussed, to ensure, regardless of the type of production (single, serial, mass), the transition from standard and group to modular technologies. The basics of basing theory are updated taking into account the revision of the existing description from theoretical mechanics by means of the position of three coordinate points; to go to a new description from the theory of machines and mechanisms by depriving a subject of basing degrees of freedom (mobility) in a technical system (design, technological, measuring). It is shown how the design of the technology for manufacturing the product and measuring its characteristics is carried out in a system that includes equipment and equipment as mechanisms, the closing link of which are basing objects.
About the Authors
B. M. BazrovRussian Federation
Bazrov Boris M. - D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Machine Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
4, Malyi Kharitonievsky Per., 101990, Moscow.
M. L. Kheifetz
Kheifetz Mikhail L. - D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director, Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
16, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk.
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