Increasing the Radar Equivalent Energy Potential by “Track Before Detect” Method
The problem of radar detection of small-sized targets using the traditional methods of selection of signals embedded in background noise is considered. It is shown that for a false alarm rate of 10–5, which provides for 1–2 false alarms within the entire coverage of the modern 3D radar, the probability of detection of a small-sized target is getting unacceptably low. Repeatedly decreasing the threshold can provide an acceptable level of the detection probability at ultra-low signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) values. At the same time, decreasing the threshold will result in an unacceptable increase of the false alarm rate. A new target detection procedure using the “track before detect” method (TBD) is proposed. In the TBD procedure, the target is considered detected when two conditions are met: the signal exceeds once a definite threshold; the target is detected within a strictly defined observation area (acquisition or tracking gate). For low SNR values in the range of 3–8 dB and equal false alarm rate, the detection probability increases by 20–50 % compared to the traditional detection method. The simulation results showed a strong dependence of efficacy of the TBD algorithm on the threshold value and the decision rule. The possibility is noted of adaptive control over the threshold due to the use the detection results in the preceding scanning cycles, as well as the introduction of matrix radar surveillance not only by the target coordinates and parameters, but also by the detection threshold, decision rules, etc. Examination of these issues is the subject of further research.
About the Authors
S. M. KostromitskyBelarus
Kostromitsky Sergey M. – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director
15/5, P. Brovka Str., 220072, Minsk
V. M. Artemiev
Artemiev Valentin M. – Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Chief researcher
16, Akademicheskaya Str., 220072, Minsk
D. S. Nefedov
Nefedov Denis S. – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate professor, Deputy head of the Department
220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk
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