
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Vol 68, No 5 (2024)
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359-364 350

In this article, we study the properties of polynomials over division rings. Formulas for finding roots of polynomials which are the products of linear factors are obtained. These formulas generalize the known results for quaternion algebras. As known, if a minimal polynomial of a conjugacy class A in a noncommutative division ring is quadratic, then any polynomial having two roots in A vanishes identically on A. We show that in the case of a conjugacy class with minimal polynomial of larger degree, the situation is completely different. For any conjugacy class with minimal polynomial of degree >2, we construct a quadratic polynomial with infinitely many roots in this class, but there also are infinitely many elements in this class which are not the roots of this polynomial.


365-372 322

The flavivirus polymerase protein undergoes structural changes during the polymerization reaction. The protein contains two zinc atoms, each of which is coordinated by four amino acids of the protein. The possibility of a quantum transition in zinc atoms is considered. It is shown that due to quantum entanglement this transition occurs jointly in both atoms. Using molecular dynamics modeling, it is shown that small perturbations of the structure associated with the joint transition of zinc atoms lead to structural changes in the polymerase. The prevalence of this phenomenon on other zinc-containing proteins is discussed.


373-380 231

Vanadium tris-trifluoroacetylacetonate and tris-pivaloyltrifluoroacetonate were obtained by electrochemical synthesis. Based on the analysis of the spectral characteristics in the IR range of the synthesized chelates, it was established that during electrolysis a quasi-aromatic metallocycle was formed that is the basic structural element of the complexes. The peripheral groups of ligands (tert-butyl and trifluoromethyl) remained unchanged when exposed to electric current.


381-389 300

The content of a number of biogenic amines, their precursors, and derivatives was studied in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the brain of male Wistar rats exposed to chronic exposure to a low-intensity electromagnetic field of a Wi-Fi device (24 hours/day, 2.45 GHz, the power flux density did not exceed 583 μW/cm2, amounting to average – 0.46 ± 0.37 µW/cm2) during their early postnatal development. Changes in the content of dopamine, serotonin, their precursors, and metabolites in the PFC of the brain have been established, which determines the development of neurotransmitter disorders in the central nervous system, and subsequently the occurrence of behavioral disorders, the deterioration of social adaptation and cognitive abilities. The identified changes in the dopaminergic system of the PFC of the brain in rats at the early stages of their postnatal development indicate the need for a further hygienic assessment of the safety of long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation on the body, especially on the brain. Further research in this direction will make it possible to determine neurotransmitter mechanisms underlying the adverse effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields on the central nervous system, to assess their danger, and to correct the existing maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic radiation, taking into account the reaction of the neurotransmitter systems of brain structures to this type of impact.

390-394 310

Seven microsatellite markers were used in molecular genetic analysis of curly birch and silver birch trunk tissue fragments produced through whip grafting or bark ring transplantation. The analysis showed that whichever grafting method was used, each component steadily retained their genotype upon tissue fusion. It is demonstrated that aberrant cells may be formed at the point of bark and trunk tissue fusion after donor bark ring transplantation, when all the ascending and descending transport pathways along the recipient’s trunk axis have been severed all around the trunk circumference. Even then, however, both curly birch and silver birch retain their phenotypic (figured and straight wood grain, respectively) as well as genotypic (which is expressed in preserving a combination of identified allelic variants) traits.


395-403 236

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II genes are one of the main genetic susceptibility factors of the most common autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) and autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). Distinct HLA alleles are associated with autoimmune endocrinopathies in different populations. This work was aimed to reveal the alleles associated with a predisposition to AITD in children with T1D in Belarus. 49 patients with a combination of T1D and AITD (autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 3a – APS type 3a), 95 patients with T1D and 24 healthy controls were included into the study. HLA typing for 3 genes (DRB1, DQB1, DQА1) was performed by SBT (sequence-based typing) in the children with T1D and APS type 3a and by high-performance sequencing of a new generation (Illumina) in the children of the control group. We identified a number of alleles and haplotypes DRB1, DQB1, DQA1 associated with a predisposition or resistance to both forms of autoimmune pathology (T1D and APS type 3a) in healthy children. These data indicate a common spectrum of polymorphic variants of HLA class II genes involved in the etiopathogenesis of T1D and APS type 3 in the Belarusian population. At the same time, the children with type 3a APS had a higher total frequency of certain HLA-DRB1*04 allele subtypes and one of the variants of the DRB4-DQ4.3 haplotype, compared with the patients with isolated T1D. These revealed genetic markers can be used to identify high-risk groups of AITD in children with T1D in the Belarusian population.


404-412 220

Algorithms for extrapolating series of statistical data and filling data gaps have been developed. For the first time scientifically valid estimates of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from major stationary emission sources in Belarus have been obtained for the period from 1950 to 2020. Scientifically valid estimates of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from major stationary sources over this period in Belarus were obtained for the first time. It was found that sulfur dioxide emissions continuously increased from 1950 to 1980 and grew almost 39 times during this period (from 22.3 to 862.4 thousand tons) attributed to increased combustion of coal, fuel oil and oil refining development. Subsequently, there was a decade of moderate emission reduction on average by 2.9 % per year. Started in 1991, there was a period of a rapid emission reduction (on average by 19.4 % per year) until reaching 80.7 thousand tons in 2000. In the subsequent period, emissions were mainly characterized by a slow decrease to an average level of 45–55 thousand tons per year. Nitrogen oxide emissions showed a rapid growth in the first three decades of the analyzed period (from 13.5 thousand tons in 1950 to 134.5 thousand tons in 1979), which is connected with an overall increase in fuel consumption. In the 1980s, there was a slow decrease up to 112.2 thousand tons in 1991, followed by more intensive reductions in the following years. In 2000, the lowest level of nitrogen oxide emissions since the mid-1960s was observed – 53.1 thousand tons. Subsequent periods were mainly marked by fluctuations in nitrogen oxide emission levels. The obtained results are significantly more accurate than the existing estimates of historical emissions within the Comprehensive Emissions Data System (CEDS).


413-420 219

The mechanical behavior and structure formation of sheet specimens of the titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V is studied. Low strain rate (quasi-static) deformation at ἐ = 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 s–1 is compared with fast (dynamic) deformation performed using the Hopkinson method with ἐ = 1290, 2066, 3567, and 3828 s–1. The features of the structure formation mechanism of the titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V under high-strain-rate (≈3800 s–1) deformation have been determined, namely that along with the dislocation glide, the twinning develops, the characteristics of texture present in the original sheet material undergo changes, plastic deformation occurs throughout the entire volume of the α-phase and β-phase grains (while in the quasi-static mode, mainly plastic deformation of the α-phase grains takes place), dislocation pile-ups and cells inside the grains are formed, which points to intensive interaction of dislocations. The established mechanisms lead to a substantial increase in technological plasticity of the titanium alloy during impact hydroforming as compared to quasi-static deformation.


421-428 198

In this study, the features of reception of national cultural codes in the epic works of Belarusian literature during the period of 1990–2020s were considered. The study of the problem of national codes in beautiful writing is conditioned by the interdisciplinary tasks of modern humanitarianism, public inquiry, because the use of cultural codes in a work of art allows one, with minimal explication, to achieve a certain effect in the reader’s memory. For the first time in domestic literary studies, the approaches to defining the concept of “national cultural code” are proposed, which is considered as a semiotic unit that is a carrier of deep historical and cultural meanings, through which social, economic, geopolitical, cultural features are revealed. In literary studies, the specificity of national worldview and the behavior of representatives of a certain nation or the population of the country as a whole are analyzed using the semiotic approach. Various types of codes have been defined and characterized: ear code, billet code, etc. Using the example of the epic works of U. Gnilamedov, I. Shamyakin, K. Tsvirka, A. Fedorenko, A. Kozlov, U. Gavrilovich, Ya. Sipakov and other Belarusian writers, the features of the national worldview identity, in which the word artists refer to cultural codes, are considered.


429-440 186

The article contains the results of research work aimed at improving the technological process of treatment of internal surfaces of milk hoses for pumping milk from a milking parlor to a cooling tank and from a cooling tank to a milk truck. The research has shown that milk hoses for pumping milk to the cooling tank made of different-type materials are contaminated by microorganisms to varying degrees. It has been established that as their service life increases, the content of microbial cells on the surface in contact with milk increases. At the same time, the level of contamination of the delivery hose subjected to mechanical cleaning by a transformable system during the whole research period was 1.8 times lower than that of the hose treated by the traditional method. The improved technological process of treatment of delivery lines in contact with milk ensures a high sanitary and hygienic level of the milk delivery system.

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ISSN 1561-8323 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2431 (Online)