
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Editorial Board


  • Gusakov, Vladimir G. – Chairman of Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

Deputies editor-in-chief

  • Chizhik, Sergey A. – First Deputy Chairman of Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Gursky, Vasily L. – Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Kilchevsky, Alexander V. – Deputy Chairman of Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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Editorial board

  • Ablameyko, Sergey V. – Professor of the Department of the Belarusian State University, Academician, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Adulo, Tadeouch I. – Head of the Department of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Azarenko, Vladimir V. – Academic Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Baranov, Oleg Yu. – Academic Secretary of the Department of Biological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Science (Biology), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Bogdan, Vasily G. – Academic Secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Science (Medicine), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Bogdasarov, Maxim A. – Professor of the Department of the Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), Professor (Brest, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Chau Van Minh – President of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technologies, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor (Socialist Republic of Vietnam).

  • Dayneko, Alexey E. – Chairman of the Scientific Council, Director of the Executive Board of Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research, Academician, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Gaponenko, Sergey V. – Director of the B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Grigoriev, Andrei Ya. – Director of the V. A. Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor (Gomel, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Ivanets, Andrey I. – Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Science (Chemistry), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Karpov, Igor A. – Head of the Department of the Belarusian State Medical University, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Science (Medicine), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Karpov, Sergei P. – Head of the Department of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician, Doctor of Science (History), Professor (Russian Federation).

  • Kazak, Nikolay S. – Academician, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Kazansky, Nikolay N. – Scientific Chief of the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor (Russian Federation).

  • Kharin, Yurii S. – Director of the Research Institute for Applied Problems of Mathematics and Informatics of the Belarusian State University, Academician, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Khotylova, Lyubov V. – Chief Researcher of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Kolomiets, Emiliya I. – General Director of State Research and Production Association “Chemical Synthesis and Biotechnologies”, Academician, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Kovalenya, Alexander A. – Academic Secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences and Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (History) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Lapa, Vitaliy V. – Chief Researcher of the Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Academician, Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Larsson, Mats – Director of the Alba Nova University Center of the University of Stockholm, Academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Professor (Kingdom of Sweden).

  • Laskovnev, Alexander P. – Chief Researcher of the Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Levashkevich, Vladimir G. – Deputy Academic Secretary of the Department of Chemistry and Geosciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Litvinko, Natalya M. – Head of the Department of Scientific and Analytical Work of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Loginov, Vladimir F. – Chief Researcher of the Institute for Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Geography), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Lopukh, Petr S. – professor of the Department of the Belarusian State University, Doctor of Sciences (Geography) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Lukashevich, Vladimir K. – Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Lysenko, Sergey A. – Director of the Institute of Environmental Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Makhnach, Anatoly A. – Chief Researcher of the Institute of Geology of the Scientific Production Center for Geology, Academician, Doctor of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Markram, Henry – Director of the Brain Institute, Director of the Center for Neurology and Technology of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Lausanne), Doctor of Philosophy (Switzerland).

  • Orlovich, Valentin A. – Head of the Center of the Nonlinear Optics and Activated Materials of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Parmon, Valentin N. – Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician, Doctor of Science (Chemistry), Professor (Russian Federation).

  • Penyazkov, Oleg G. – Director of the A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics) (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Rashal, Isaak D. – Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia, President of the Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders, Academician (Republic of Latvia).
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  • Rivzha, Baiba A. – President of Academy for Agricultural and Forest Sciences of Latvia, Academician, Doctor of Sciences (Economics) (Republic of Latvia).
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  • Rusak, Valentina P. – Head of the Department of the Institute of Linguistics named after Yakub Kolas of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Sadovnichiy, Viktor А. – Rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Russian Federation).
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  • Safonov, Vasily G. – Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Saverchenko, Ivan V. – Director of the Yanka Kupala Institute of Literary Studies of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Shcherbakov, Sergei S. – Academic Secretary of the Department of Physical and Technical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Sheyko, Ivan P. – Senior Deputy General Director of the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry, Academician, Doctor of Sciences (Agrarian), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Shumilin, Alexander G. – Academic Secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Smekhovich, Nikolai V. – Head of the Center of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (History), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Tapalsky, Dmitry V. – Director of the Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Tuzikov, Alexander V. – Head of the Laboratory of the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Usanov, Sergey A. – Chief Researcher of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member, Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Vityaz, Petr A. – Head of the Department of Aerospace Activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Volchak, Aliaksandr A. – Professor of the Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology of the Brest State Technical University, Doctor of Science (Geography), Professor (Brest, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Volotovsky, Igor D. – Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician, Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
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  • Zaleski, Vitali G. – Director of the Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

  • Zeilinger, Anton – President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Republic of Austria).

  • Zhelev, Nikolas – Principal Investigator of the Division of Cancer Research of the Abertay University, Member of the Bulgarian National Medical Academy, Professor (Great Britaine).
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