
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Editorial council

  • Chau Van Minh – President of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Professor, Doctor of Science (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
    (Chau, Vanminh / Chau, Van Minh)

  • Chekhun, Vasiliy Fyodorovich – Director of Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiology of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Medicine), Professor (Ukraine) 
    (Chekhun, V. F.)

  • Dunin, Ivan Mikhailovich – Director of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture Economy of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Agrarian), Professor (Russian Federation) 
    (Dunin, I. M.)

  • Karklinsh, Aldis – Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Plant of the Latvia University of Agriculture in Elgava, Academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science, Professor (Republic of Latvia) 
    (Karkliņš, Aldis)

  • Karpov, Sergei Pavlovich – President of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (History), Professor (Russian Federation) 
    (Karpov, S. P.)

  • Kazansky, Nikolay Nikolayevich – Director of the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor (Russian Federation) 
    (Kazansky, Nikolas)

  • Larsson, Mats – Director of the Alba Nova University Center of the University of Stockholm, Academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Professor (Kingdom of Sweden) 
    (Larsson, Mats O.)

  • Matveev, Viktor Anatolievich – Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Russian Federation) 
    (Matveev, Viktor)

  • Naumovets, Anton Grigorievich – Vice president of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Ukraine) 
    (Naumovets, Anton G N)

  • Rashal, Isaak Davydovich – Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia, President of the Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders, Academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Republic of Latvia) 
    (Rashal, Isaak)

  • Sadovnichiy, Viktor Аntonovich – Rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Russian Federation) 
    (Sadovnichiǐ, Viktor A. / Sadovnichij, V. A. / Sadovnichiy, Viktor A.)

  • Sergeev, Alexander Mikhailovich – President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Russian Federation) 

  • Tarariko, Aleksandr Grigorievich – Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Agrarian), Professor (Ukraine)

  • Tripolskaya, Lyudmila – Lithuanian Centre of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Doctor of Science (Agrarian), Professor (Republic of Lithuania)

  • Valuckas, Konstantinas Povilas – Head of the Department of the National Cancer Institute, Professor (Republic of Lithuania) 
    (Valuckas, Konstantinas Povilas Ovilas)

  • Vodenicharov, Stephan – Chairman of the party “Unity Initiative”, Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor (Republic of Bulgaria)
    (Vodenicharov, St B.)

  • Zeilinger, Anton – President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Republic of Austria) 
    (Zellinger, Anton)

  • Zhao Liang – Director of the Laboratory of the Henan Academy of Sciences, Associate professor at the University of Zhengzhou, Henan Pedagogical University and Henan University of Technology (People’s Republic of China) 
    (Zhao, Lan)

  • Zhelev, Nikolas – Director of the Medical Biotechnology Center of Molecular and Cellular Technology of the Abertay University, Member of the Bulgarian National Medical Academy, Professor (Great Britaine) 
    (Zhelev, Nikolai