Cauchy problem for the equations with fractional of Riemann-Liouville derivatives
In this article, we study the question of the solvability of an analogue of the Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations with fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives on the unbounded right-hand side in certain function spaces. The solvability conditions of the problem under consideration in given function spaces, as well as the existence conditions of a unique solution are presented. The study uses the method of reducing the problem to the second-kind Volterra equation, the Schauder principle of a fixed point in a Banach space, and the Banach-Cachoppoli principle of a fixed point in a complete metric space.
About the Authors
P. P. ZabreikoBelarus
Petr P. Zabreiko
S. V. Ponomareva
Ponomareva Svetlana V. - Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate professor.
4, NezavisimostiAve., 220050, MinskReferences
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