For the functions defined on normed vector spaces, we introduce a new notion of the LC -convexity that generalizes the classical notion of convex functions. A function is called to be LC -convex if it can be represented as the upper envelope of some subset of Lipschitz concave functions. It is proved that the function is LC -convex if and only if it is lower semicontinuous and, in addition, it is bounded from below by a Lipschitz function. As a generalization of a global subdifferential of a classically convex function, we introduce the set of LC -minorants supported to a function at a given point and the set of LC -support points of a function that are then used to derive a criterion for global minimum points and a necessary condition for global maximum points of nonsmooth functions. An important result of the article is to prove that for a LC -
convex function, the set of LC -support points is dense in its effective domain. This result extends the well-known Brondsted– Rockafellar theorem on the existence of the sub-differential for classically convex lower semicontinuous functions to a wider class of lower semicontinuous functions and goes back to the one of the most important results of the classical convex analysis – the Bishop–Phelps theorem on the density of support points in the boundary of a closed convex set.
A new technique for implementing external (particle-to-wall) and particle-to-particle radiative heat transfer in discrete elements method (DEM) simulations is proposed. It is based on the idea that an expected view factor value depends on relevant local bed parameters (distance between particles, particle radius ratio, and local bed porosity). Calculation of average view factors via the formula requires considerably less computational effort than direct in situ integration, when this happens a reasonable average value and an overall accuracy comparable to direct calculation are provided. Both mono- and polydisperse mixtures of spherical opaque particles were considered. It was shown that using nondimensional parameters, a simple general dependence for an external radiative heat flux may be introduced. Exponential and linear fits were proposed for estimating the particle-particle radiative heat flux. The generalization of the obtained formulas for various bed porosities is proposed. The distribution of cumulative transferred heat flux across the particles up to a certain distance was found, and the recommendations regarding the choice of that parameter to achieve a desired accuracy were formulated. Also, the method to account for the particle emissivity was proposed on the basis of the empirical dependence between emissivity and radiative heat flux in porous materials. The proposed method satisfies all the requirements to become a standard implementation of radiative heat transfer calculation in DEM.
Geometrical and electronic parameters of the microstates of the molecular models of polyacrylamide and co-polymers of acrylamide-acrylic acid in aqueous solutions of sodium and potassium chlorides were computed by the non-empirical SCF MO LCAO method with the use of the basis MINI Huzinaga. The models contained four monomeric units of the polymer, including two metal carboxylate groups, 80 water molecules and two pairs of ions Na+ and Cl– or K+ and Cl–. It follows from the calculation results that there is a principal difference in the hydration of Na+ and K+: the Na+‧‧‧О2– bond is shorter than the sum of the radii of the interacting ions, while the k+‧‧‧O2– bond is equal or longer. This indicates that in the first case, the bonds are partially covalent, while in the second one they are pure electrostatic. All elements of the molecular models in the both cases are combined by the intermolecular bonds forming a spatial net. The polymer molecules have a flexible chain with oxygen containing functional groups that are built into the structure of the salt solutions without distorting it. We assume that this is the main reason for the good solubility of the studied polymers in the aqueous salt solutions.
Anthocyanins are high-value plant antioxidants; they also determine biotic and abiotic stress resistance. The aim of our research was to study the allelic polymorphism of Antocyanin 1 orthologs in the vegetable Solanaceae crops of C. annuum and S. melongena. The search revealed the following closest genes in C. annuum: Myb113-like1 TF and Myb113like2 transcription factors and Myb1 in S. melongena. Exon amplicons of those genes were obtained and then sequenced in the pepper and eggplant samples with contrasting anthocyanin fruit coloration. Primers to the identified polymorphisms were developed and their correlation with the anthocyanin accumulation in fruits was studied. A close correlation was found between a minimum accumulation or the complete absence of anthocyanin synthesis in fruits with a single nucleotide deletion (Myb113-like1), and in the pepper samples, 2 SNP (Myb113-like2) was detected using the CAPS marker Myb 113-AccI. In the eggplant samples, the deletions of 6 and 26 bp were detected using the SCAR marker MybMel and the CAPS marker MybmelPst1. The disturbance of anthocyanin synthesis in pepper forms with 1Indel in Myb113-like1 TF was determined by a shift in the reading frame and SNPs in Myb113-like2 TF lead to amino acid substitutions: Lys → Arg and Thr → Lys. In the eggplant, a deletion of 6 bp leads to the loss of ala and arg in the protein; a deletion of 26 bp causes disorder during the mRNA maturation. The developed markers allow identifying the Myb-like TF alleles under study, resulting in anthocyanin synthesis disturbance in fruits. C. annuum and S. melongena samples with different alleles were selected for a further study and new varieties in agriculture.
In acute rat experiments (thiopental sodium narcosis), it is established that introducing a 5 % glucose solution into the stomach lowers a frequency of heart rates (HR) and an amplitude of potentials of smooth muscles of the stomach and simultaneously raises doubtfully and shortly the potentials of sooth muscles (PSM) of the colon. Food additives used in the glutamate sodium, benzoate, tartrazine complex do not influence HR, but as before, reduces PSM of the stomach, and in the thick gut precise exciting or brake responses are marked. In the preliminarily developed heart insufficiency conditions, the glucose infusion into the stomach does not change HR. At the same time, the action of glucose, as well as of food additives, still results in reliable reactions of the stomach and the thick gut. Important is the present work information on the ability of glucose and food additives to modulate the heart activity estimated through the indicators of modification of electrocardiogram teeth. As appeared, the infusion of the specified irritants in the stomach of rats in control and heart insufficiency is accompanied by precise enough changes in such indicators as the RST duration, the amplitude and duration of the Т-wave,
i. e. the prognostic attributes of the opportunity of occurrence of heart аrrhythmia, fibrillations.
The reactivity of biological systems to UV-A/B and the photoprotective potential of skin applications of lichen extracts Hypogymnia physodes according to the biochemical parameters of blood and morphometric parameters of the skin were evaluated in vivo in laboratory mice. Ethanol, acetone and hexane–acetone extracts (1 % in dimethylsulfoxide) effectively absorb the UV range inducing the most erythema. On the 4th day after UV-A/Вirradiation, severe brown burns of the back skin, severe erythema and edema, scab formation were observed. In serum, there were significantly changed biochemical parameters – the prooxidant capacity, the level of nitrate/nitrite-ions NOx, advanced oxidation protein products AOPP, glutathioneperoxidase activity GPx increased, the level of SH-groups reduced. Solutions of extracts (5 %) in dimethylsulfoxide at
a different degree exhibited the photoprotective effect: morphologically – in minimizing the burn symptoms of the skin (edema, erythema, scab); biochemically – in the regulation of these parameters at the control level. According to the set of biochemical and morphometric parameters, the most promising photoprotectors were acetone extracts. The prooxidant capacity, GPx, AOРР (in all cases reduced) and NOx showed a non-specificity and rather high sensitivity and are more suitable for estimating inflammatory and oxidative processes. The highest efficiency and the adequacy to the tasks and the specifications are shown by the level of protein SH-groups.
ISSN 2524-2431 (Online)