
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

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Vol 62, No 2 (2018)
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135-139 824

The aim of the paper is to classify ramified division algebras with unitary involutions over discretely valued Henselian fields in terms of their residual algebras and special generators.

140-146 946

In the present paper, we prove asymptotically exact bounds for resistance distances in families of Cayley graphs that either have a girth of more than 4 or are free of subgraphs K2,t, assuming that the growth function is at least subexponential, and either the diameter or the inverse value of the spectral gap are polynomial with respect to degrees of a graph.


147-150 905

A novel approach to solving optimal selection problems under dynamic uncertainty is described. The approach is called absolute robustness with fixed past. An efficient algorithm is presented for the main problem and several its variants. The approach can be employed for solving other combinatorial optimization problems under dynamic uncertainty.


151-158 840

Neutron diffraction, magnetic and magnetotransport studies of perovskites La1–x Srx ( Mn3+1-x/2 Sb5+x/2)O3 (x ≤ 0,7) containing only Mn3+ ions were carried out. It is shown that at x ~ 0.2, the system goes from the antiferromagnetic state to the ferromagnetic one. In this case, the structure is transformed from the O′-orthorhombic structure to the O-orthorhombic one, which is due to orbital disordering. At x ≥ 0.6, the cluster spin glass phase arises due to the competition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions, as well as due to strong diamagnetic dilution. As the ionic radius of the rare-earth ion is decreased in the series R0,7Sr0,3Mn0,85Sb0,15O3, the ferromagnetic state is gradually transformed into spin glass (R = Sm). All ferromagnetic compounds are insulators with a large magnitude of the magnetoresistive effect. The high covalence and orbital disordering are assumed to be responsible for ferromagnetism in the compounds under study.


159-163 803

The generalization of the vector parametrization of Lorentz group transformations to the case of the complex Lorentz group SU(3.1) saving the invariant real bilinear form is realized. The composition law and the subgroup structure of the group SU(3.1) are defined.

164-169 884

A refractive index nanosensor is proposed on the basis of plasmonic enhancement of quantum dot (nanocrystal) photoluminescence in the presence of a metal nanoparticle. Calculations of a silver elongated spheroid in the liquid show that the changes in the sensitivity of such a nanosensor to a refractive index can be of the order of 10–4 provided that the photoluminescence intensity detection is of the order of 1 %.




170-177 818

Azole-containing compounds are often co-administrated with different classes of medications, and are widely used as pesticides in agriculture. Besides the main action, azole-containing compounds can directly affect the human cytochrome P450 system, inhibiting the human CYP catalytic activity, and thereby leading to metabolism disturbances and the elimination of other drugs, causing the toxic effect or resulting in a complete absence of the effect of the drug used. In the context of polypharmacy, it is important to take into account the influence of the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C9 both on the metabolism of individual drugs and on drug-drug interactions. In this paper, a comprehensive comparative study was conducted to assess the binding of various pesticides and antifungal drugs to the active center of CYP2C9*1, CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3. We have shown significant differences in the azole affinity to CYP2C9*1, CYP2C9*2, and CYP2C9*3. The obtained findings allow us to predict drug-drug interactions, as well as changes in the metabolism of drugs in the presence of specific xenobiotics.

178-184 1113

To carry out studies of molecular events involving brassinosteroids in a living cell, the synthesis of the phytohormone 24-epicastasterone labeled with a fluorescent dye BODIPY was performed. A distinctive feature of the conjugate obtained is the preservation in its molecule of native functional groups of brassinosteroids responsible for the physiological effects of this class of compounds, which is intended to ensure its effective binding to the corresponding receptor. The reaction of azide-alkyne [3 + 2]-cycloaddition of steroid azide with an acetylene BODIPY-containing dye fragment was used as a key stage in chemical synthesis.

185-192 896

Fullerenol C60(OH)24 was incorporated into a polyamide (PA) selective layer to develop novel thin film nanocomposite (TFN) hollow fiber membranes for low molecular weight cut-off ultrafiltration. TFN membranes were fabricated using the interfacial polycondensation technique by alternately pumping a fullerenol dispersion into the triethylenetetramine (TETA) aqueous solution and the isophthaloyl chloride solution into hexane through polysulfone hollow fiber membranes. The contact angle of the skin layer was found to decrease sharply from 34 to 21° when the concentration of fullerenol increases up to 0.5 wt. % in the TETA aqueous solution. Antifouling properties of the PA/fullerenol membranes were found to be superior to the initial membrane. The maximum fouling recovery ratio was observed for the TFN membrane with 0.3–0.75 wt. % of fullerenol in the TETA aqueous solution.



193-202 1053

The influence of gravistimulation on the gene expression level in tomato leaf cells at early (15 minutes – 3 hours) and late (more than 3 hours – 24 hours) stages of the gravitropic response was assessed. The sensitivity of expression of genes coding proteins associated with brassinosteroid and ethylene functioning was determined using real-time RT-PCR. The pre-treatment of tomato plants with ethephon (the source of exogenous ethylene) led to an increase in the relative level of expression of the investigated genes under gravistimulation in the plants.

203-209 1009

As part of the study, DNA markers for local races L. maculans were identified and found that the AvrLm4-7 sequence in the selected fungus population is specifically recognized by the resistance Rlm4 and Rlm7 genes. The SCAR marker BN204 was identified, which allows us to identify homozygous and heterozygous plants carrying the Rlm4 gene. The work collection, including 22 varieties and 39 hybrids of rape, was analyzed using the DNA marker BN204. PCR results allowed us to establish that the number of individual plants with the resistance Rlm4 gene was higher than the number of stable forms characterized by the infection of leaf explants with pathogen races carrying the AvrLm4-7 sequence. It is supposed that these individual plants contain the Rlm4 gene, but they lack the Rlm7 gene.

210-216 934

The results of comparative analysis of genetic variability of COI, COII, and cyt b genes in aphids (Aphidoidea), which differ in ecology and a type of life cycle, are shown in the paper. It is found out that species being anolocyclic polyphagous with subcosmopolite distribution have the highest level of genetic variability of COI and cyt b nucleotide sequences comparing to aphids from other ecological and biological groups.


217-227 834

The work is devoted to the study of the long-term results of treatment and the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy on the survival of patients with endometrial cancer (EC) of high-risk stage I, depending on the histological tumor type. The study included 225 patients with endometrial cancers of the IBG1 stage and nonendometrioid stage I cancer (serous, clear cell, undifferentiated carcinoma, carcinosarcomama) who received treatment in Belarus in 2006–2010. The overall (OS), cancerspecific (CSS) and disease-free (DFS) 5-year survival in high-risk EC was 66.7 ± 3.2, 77.4 ± 2.9 and 77.0 ± 2.9 % 10-year-old – 53.7 ± 4.5, 69.7 ± 4.2 and 69.3 ± 4.2 % respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the survival, depending on the morphological tumor type, but the endometrioid carcinoma of the IBG3 stage is defined as the most favorable form of the high-risk EC, and the undifferentiated carcinoma and carcinosarcoma are the most unfavorable forms. There were no statistically significant differences in OS, CSS and DFS between the endometriod carcinoma of the IBG3 stage and the nonendometrioid forms of the EC stage I and the difference in the 5-year survival was about 10 % in favor of endometrioid carcinoma. Adjunctive chemotherapy did not improve the long-term outcome of treatment in general, as well as separately in the IBG3 stage of the endometrioid carcinoma stage and the nonendometrioid EC stage I. In the both groups, the difference in the 5-year OS was about 10 % in favor of the subgroups with chemotherapy. Thus, the question of the role of chemotherapy in treatment with high-risk EC is not resolved and requires further research.


228-235 850

The problem of halogenesis in the Pripyat intercontinental paleorift is considered for the first time in a new fashion. At least, three periods of existence of arid climate and evaporate basins of seawater condensation within paleorift boundaries have been established. However, in none of them the concentration of water reached the salinity degree, at which the precipitation of rock salt begins. The intense halogenesis and accumulation of thick salt formations took place at the early (D3 2 lv–D3 2 dm) and mature (D3 2 lb–D3 2 or) stages of development of rift graben and explosive volcanism within it; this testifies to a close genetic relationship between these two phenomena.



236-243 762

It is found that, when solid bodies are in static contact with liquid lubricants containing surfactants and cholesteric liquid-crystal compounds, the behavior of their adsorption depends on the adsorbent nature and chemical composition. When copper, steel and glass powders are in long contact with oleic acid solutions in Vaseline oil, the additive concentration decreases, and in the case of solutions of cholesteric liquid–crystal compounds, their concentration in oil increases. When metals (friction pair steel–steel) are in dynamic contact, adsorption processes involving solutions of liquid crystal compounds occur by other mechanisms. The increase in the adsorption activity of cholesteric liquid-crystal compounds in the friction of solids is established. It is found that changing the concentration of liquid-crystal additives in the used oil due to the adsorption tribo-activity in the process of dynamic contact correlates with a decrease and a subsequent stabilization of the friction coefficient of the steel–steel pair.

244-249 778

The concept of designing a family of high-performance machines and devices is presented. This family is intended for the implementation of the production technologies of polymer materials with predetermined properties. The materials have been developed as a result of complex physical and chemical studies of the structure and properties of complex organic compounds with the use of modern theoretical and experimental methods. The principal basis of the proposed monomeric-oligomeric technology is concerned with the controlled processes of reactive compound transformation into gas-filled ones by a direct liquid phase transition into a condensed state.

250-256 920

It is known that thermokinetic EMF occurs in homogeneous materials when the heating zone moves along a conductor. The obligatory occurrence of this kind of EMF is associated with phase transformations that proceed in a local heat-affected zone, for example, iron undergoes an allotropic transformation at 700–800 °C. It is natural to assume that this phenomenon can be observed in shape memory alloys under thermoelastic phase transformation that takes place at much lower temperatures. The studies presented here showed that the thermokinetic EMF appearance in titanium nickelide alloys is possible during the movement both of the heating zone (reverse phase transformation) and of the cooling zone (direct phase transformation). The physical justification for the EMF appearance is provided, according to which thermokinetic EMF is initiated as a result of a potential difference between the areas of direct and reverse phase transformations that occur due to the temperature influence along the TiNi wire sample. The paper also considers the thermokinetic EMF appearance in an amorphous–crystalline thin ribbon of Ti50Ni25Cu25 when a high-temperature local heating zone moves along it. This phenomenon is associated with the process of crystallization of material, i. e., amorphous to a crystalline state transition. Thermokinetic EMF also occurs when the interface between the amorphous and crystalline phases is heated locally. In this case, the thermokinetic EMF appearance is associated with a potential difference between the regions and similar to thermokinetic EMF occurring in the thermocouple. Studies on the thermokinetic EMF appearance due to the temperature effect on shape memory alloys during thermoelastic phase transformations allows one to more fully understand the thermokinetic EMF phenomenon. The results can find practical application in non-destructive testing of physical-mechanical properties of these alloys and as energy sources.

ISSN 1561-8323 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2431 (Online)